Some 19 enthusiastic birders from Citrus County descended on this well manicured landscape of tall oaks and recharge ponds with marsh habitats, led by Bob Oswald. Over 35 species of mostly winter-resident birds were seen or heard, plus a few likely migrants heading north, such as parula warbler. Standouts included a red-tailed hawk, osprey, a pair of kestrel courting then copulating (see photo below), a red-headed woodpecker (+3 other woodpecker species), and a greater yellowlegs working a mudflat with a single killdeer. Also spotted was a peninsula cooter, but no alligator. School children planted trees/shrubs on the grounds. For a more complete list of birds found see eBird post by Joyce Lewis. Bob Ross’ photos can be accessed via this link (!Ah59rKtHKmutgscqDqhFNOkgSvIacA). Photos by Rey Wells are embedded in this post.