by Rey Wells
Many more bird species migrate south from northern climes than those that are year round residents. The migrants include all vireos and warblers. In northern New York State and New England movement southward ramps up in the second half of August, peaks in September, and trails off markedly in October.
Not all members of the grosbeak family migrate every year, but the Rose-breasted Grosbeak does. Here is a young male enjoying a preening session in the sun on a chilly early September morning. I did not know that these birds had red feathers other than on their breasts.

It’s not often that one gets a good look at a Red-eyed Vireo in the sunshine. I did one early morning with the sun at my back. The sun really enhanced the red coloring that usually appears somewhat darker. Here is that bird. Male and female vireos appear similar.
By mid-September, I had found a great spot for southbound woodland songbirds. It was along a gravel road that was brushy on both sides and included some trees. The lighting was best there later in the afternoon, which was great because that time coincided with the last feeding period of the day. One of the first species I got there was this Bay-breasted Warbler. I had never seen one before.

Soon thereafter, Black-throated and Magnolia Warblers materialized and gleaned a particular roadside tree for bugs. Here is one of the Magnolia Warblers arriving.
A while later, a second Magnolia Warbler inspected the trunk of the tree. Here it is about to pluck a morsel from a nook in the bark.

By late September vireos and warblers became scarce. Other species were passing through in significant numbers. Principal among them were Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Juncos. By mid-October migration season in northern New York State had largely drawn to a close. It was time to set the camera aside and prepare for our own southern migration.