CCAS Welcomes Back Snowbirds

by Jan Bailey

    It seems that everyone “got the memo” and arrived with their own coolers as they came down the path to the pavilion. We all worked together to set everything up.  Fred arrived and brought the fun –music on his mini speaker and lots of large, stuffed Santas to decorate the tables.


The food was amazing – we had spiral ham, 3 big chicken pot pies, and roasted chicken that Susan Carroll prepared and kept warm.  She did a wonderful job as the “head chef” of the event. Everyone pitched in and brought a myriad of side dishes as well as many delectable desserts.

Susan Carroll, head chef


Fred handed out raffle tickets to win 2 Santas and one big, uncooked vegetarian pizza from Earthfare.  The winners are shown below:

Gail Burnett
Pat Bazany
Molly Gurien

     Members commented that they enjoyed the format of this party as it was much easier to mingle about and generally more comfortable than a restaurant with better food.  Everyone contributed and helped out during setup and breakdown.  Although the weather forecast had been shaky, it cooperated and finished out as a nice, breezy sunny day.  A great welcome back for the snowbirds!