
Photo by Rey Wells

Good Birding at Pepper Creek by Elaine Roche

On March 8, 2025 fourteen people participated in the Pepper Creek bird walk including a young boy around 8 years old who kept his interest up the whole trip!

It was a lovely morning and we had a nice mix of 29 different species. Four Swallow Tail Kites provided some aerial acrobatics and a Hermit Thrush gave everyone good looks.

It was nice to see some winter resident birds still around while also welcoming back our Northern Parulas.

Marine Science Center

February 20, 2025

Citrus County Audubon welcomed Earnie Olsen, Supervisor of the Marine Science Center to this month’s chapter meeting. Mr. Olsen provided a brief history of the Center which was established in1967 and is a part of the Citrus County School System.

Throughout the school year students in grades 4 and 7 are brought to the center where they get to experience enrichment activities which for some include their first time on boats or even going into the water. They snorkel, trawl for specimens, overcome fear, and interpret data. The most important thing though, is they never forget. High school students enrolled in certain environmental and other science classes also use the facility as part of their studies.

In a year’s time, over 2300 Citrus County kids experience a creative hands-on and fun learning experience that relates to their own home town. When space and time allow, students from other counties use the facilities.

During the summer the Center stays busy with Coastal Camp Citrus for Middle and High schoolers. In the past this included overnighting but between COVID shut down and then a series of hurricane that have destroyed most of the infrastructure, the Center can only provide daytime sessions.

The mission of the Citrus County School District is to educate all students through relevant curriculum and experiences for life in an ever-changing world.

Mission of the Science Center is to increase student environmental literacy through hands-on laboratory and field-based educational experiences in local aquatic, estuarine, and marine ecosystems.

Earnie is an example of how successful the Marine Science Center is, as a student in Citrus County, he attended classes that enhanced his desire to learn more. Now, he is helping other kids with hopes for similar results.

Citrus County Audubon proudly contributes for two summer camp scholarships that allow a couple of kids to experience something very special.

To learn more visit their website:

  • Orlando Wetlands & Merritt Island NWR

    by Rey Wells

    We had been successfully dodging less than ideal weather all season long on our field trips.  But we ran out of luck this time with a soaking rain band hitting the end of our tram ride at OWP, followed by strong winds the next morning at Merritt Island.  Nonetheless, folks seemed to have a great time.  And, as you will see, we got some great looks at birds.

    Orlando Wetlands Park

    Our hosts and guides, Jim Meyer and Eileen Riccio, arrived mid-morning at OWP.  They took advantage of the good weather then by hiking out to the boardwalk.  There, they found active Roseate Spoonbill and Great Egret nests in the adjacent trees.  At least two of the spoonbill nests held recently hatched chicks.  Jim got this great shot of one of those nests.  It also shows a Black-crowned Night Heron in the background.

    Roseate Spoonbill and chicks with Night Heron in background by Jim Meyer

    Out on the tram, we all got a good look at a Bald Eagles’ nest that held maturing eaglets.  Big momma perched on a branch near the nest.  Then we came across this Great Egret that had caught what appears to be a Siren.  

    Great Egret by Rey Wells

    American Bittern by Rey Wells

    As the storm approached late in our tram ride, an American Bittern was spotted just off the trail.  I was able to get this close-up of it. After spending some minutes drying out in the visitors’ center, some of us caught a ride out to the boardwalk to see what Jim and Eileen had found in the morning.  I handed in the generous donation that the CCAS board had approved.

    On my walk back to the parking lot, I spent a few minutes with the Sandhill Crane family that was feeding near the visitor’s center.  Here is one of the colts with one of its parents.

    Sandhill Crane and Colt by Rey Wells

    We reconvened in the early evening at the Dixie Crossroads restaurant.  It was very good.  I had the key lime pie for dessert.  Quite good, but not as good as that at Peck’s in Ozello.

    Merritt Island NWR

    Clear skies, cool temperatures, and a strong breeze greeted us the next morning as we gathered and headed caravan style into the refuge.  A lot of ducks had migrated, and the wind kept many other species in protected locations where we had little access.  As we traversed Black Point Drive, we did get some good looks at waders and shore birds.  Often, a bird would rise up from a hidden protected spot and fly briefly to another one.  Last year I had a great photo visit with a pair of Reddish Egrets.  We saw none this time.

    After completing Black Point Drive, we drove to a viewing point for resident American Flamingos.  They were not visible to us on this day.  However, there were a few American White Pelicans resting on the island’s beach.  A Laughing Gull bobbed along with a few scaup ducks in the whitecaps between us and the island.  Not shown in the group photo are myself and one other who had retreated to rest in his car.

    As Sheila and I drove downwind toward the mainland at 50 mph, a Turkey Vulture flew parallel to us at the same speed for about a quarter mile without flapping its wings!  As I said, it was breezy out there!

  • Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve

    by Rey Wells

    Nineteen hardy bird folks gathered at Preserve headquarters on February 22nd.  There’s a photo here of most of us.  It was taken along the marsh trail there.

    There was a patch of bushes and short trees next to the tower.  That’s where Lisa Graham got a very active Black and White Warbler. 

    Out by the boardwalk was a Spotted Sandpiper.  I snapped a photo of it just before it lunged and grabbed a morsel.  Wintering Spotteds do not exhibit spots.  Along the woods trail back, we watched a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker working its way up a tree trunk.  I got a very bad photo of it with a large winged insect in its beak.  It is not included here.

    From the headquarters we headed in caravan style toward the Gulf.  A stop at the bridge produced an eagle carrying a stick into a patch of woods.  A pair of Hooded Mergansers rested far out.  The emerging sun was most welcome.  I took off a layer.  My quest for a loon had to wait for the end of the road at the Gulf.

    Caspian Tern
    Cormorant with Fish

    We risked trouble with the law by walking over to the beach that was technically still closed due to Hurricane Helene.  Well, we weren’t doing what beach people do.  And we didn’t stay long.  The star of the show there was a Caspian Tern that was captured by Lisa.    She also got a great shot of nine Forster’s Terns.  Far out on a small oyster bar were a half dozen American Oyster Catchers.  A flight of American White Pelicans circled far in the distance. Included here is a successful cormorant with its fresh lunch.  Lisa got it out by the boat ramp.

    Alas, the many hundreds of acres of water that we glassed at the bridge and out at the Gulf failed to produce a loon.  But most folks seemed to enjoy the morning.  We even got to remove a couple of layers.  Some of us polished it off with lunch at the Blackwater (historically the Isaac Walton) riverside restaurant in Yankeetown.  It was very good with large portions.  Mine was large enough to provide leftovers for a complete dinner at home.  Everyone took leftovers home.  Fred would have enjoyed it.

  • Herons

    by Rey Wells

    In this post I will give you some interesting looks at members of the heron family.  What prompts this is the sighting of a family member that is rare as far north as central Florida.

    We start with the smallest member of the family, the Green Heron.  Like a number of avian species, there is a year round population in Florida along with migrants from north of here.  Here is one that I took up in northern New York State a few years ago.  It missed its target on this try.  Perhaps the abundant duck weed on this pond helped to save the intended prey.

    Little Green Heron

    While I favor action shots of birds doing their things, I won’t pass up a resting bird that is just plain striking.  Such was the case with this Little Blue Heron.  It was late enough in the Florida winter that year such that some Little Blues had changed into their breeding season finery.  This was one of those.  Like the Green Heron, there is an all year population in Florida.  And there are migrants that breed up into the midwest and along the eastern seaboard as far north as Massachusetts

    Little Blue Heron

    The largest herons, by far, are the Great Blue and the Great White.  Here is my photo of a Great Blue that you may have seen before.  I had just arrived at this wet spot when this occurred.  I was very fortunate to capture it.  Note that the bullfrog is glistening wet.  It had been snatched from the water no more than two seconds earlier.  Great Blues have a range that extends much further north and west than the first two.

    Great Blue Heron

    Lastly, we get a glimpse of a Great White Heron.  The Cornell Ornithology Department website,, describes it as the white sub-species of the Great Blue Heron.  Southern coastal Florida is its northernmost range.  But like most birds, some individuals stray beyond their normal range.  These are known as accidentals.

    Here is the close up look that I was able to get of the Great White near the end of the road in Ozello, which is on the west coast of central Florida.  Had I moved any further to my left to expose more of this bird, I would have been standing in the Gulf of Mexico.  You can see whole birds by googling for pictures of them.

    This individual was first spotted by a team of Citrus County Audubon members on the morning of our annual Christmas Bird Count.  That was on January 4th.  I took my photograph on January 8th.  Last Thursday morning, February 6th, I birded my way out the Ozello Trail (a road) to Peck’s restaurant near its end at the Gulf.  The Great White was across the bay and was at the exact spot where I had walked to in order to get my photograph a month earlier.  From there it came across the bay to the shallows behind Peck’s.  Before I could move enough to try for good photos, it left for another spot across the bay

    Now, about Peck’s Old Port Cove restaurant.  We had not eaten there in about ten years.  Why, I don’t know.  It was always good.  But the topper there was the Ozello key lime pie.  It was the best!

    On the day that I took my photo of the Great White, Sheila and I had lunch at Peck’s.  It was very good.  Then, with trepidation, I ordered the pie.  It’s rare that you can go back to a place after ten years and not be disappointed.  But I was not.  The pie was from the same recipe and was just as good as it was back then!  We plan to be back there soon for lunch and more Ozello key lime pie.  As a bonus, we may have a chance to watch the Great White Heron from our outdoor table as we dine.

  • Recap – Emeralda Marsh – 14 February 2025

    Text and photos by Fred Hileman

    It was a beautiful morning, but a bit nippy. As usual, I never am completely ready for the cool mornings. I should know by now that you take an over shirt, because it can be chilly and then you can remove as it warms. Rey Wells usually comes to my rescue and has an extra shirt, but this morning he was wearing it. Bummer.
    Rey was scheduled to lead, but he handed the baton to me. I didn’t object; Emeralda has always been one of my favorite field trips.

    The morning did not disappoint. Birds were slow to come “alive.” The sun broke out; the insects began to arouse from their dormancy and the birds seemed to be the better for it.

    I heard my first of the year Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. I always enjoy the sound. I call them “cry babies.” Birds were out in numbers. All the usual birds were in abundance. We did get a few surprises. It was thrilling to see two juvenile Bald Eagles soaring with two Ospreys. They appeared to be having a fun time dodging in and out of one another. It has been a few years since we’ve seen Purple Gallinules at Emeralda. We had good photo ops at the bridge. It was difficult to get the group to leave the area. In the past it had to be at Venetian Gardens where the Purple Gallinules are a dime a dozen. We also had a Common Yellow-throat at the same spot. The lake gave us the opportunity to watch two Ospreys diving for fish.

    Snail Kite

    The thrill came at the end when we spotted the 2 Snail Kites. We saw one at first and then another. One must have been on the ground under the visible one eating a snail.
    It was a fabulous day all in all. We tallied 52 species. Here is the eBird link:

    Glossy Ibis
  • Citrus County Audubon Society’s Field Trip to Apopka 1/17/25

    By Pat Bazany

    Wilson’s Snipe

    Ten Citrus Audubon members met at the Lutz Road entrance to the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive at 8:00 a.m. January 17 and spent the next 4 hours enjoying the wonderful birds this Southwest Florida Water Management property has to offer. Beautiful looks at a Wilson’s Snipe and Merlin were highlights of the day along with four Fulvous Whistling Ducks which we managed to locate among a lot of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks.
    Forty-nine species was my final count but there were birds that I missed that were seen by others in the group (Black-crowned Night Heron for one) so the total for the day was more like fifty plus species. My eBird list follows. The Sandhill Cranes on the list were a flyover as we waited for everyone to arrive. The Northern Harriers really put on a show for us and the Merlin was equally cooperative posing nicely on a wire along the road. The snipe was easy to spot (once you found ‘the spot’) and remained in the open so that everyone got a good look eventually.


    American Coots and Blue-winged Teal were seen in great numbers all along the drive. My ‘estimates’ are definitely low. We did find some Ring-necked Ducks and two Northern Shovelers and of course the whistling ducks. I was the only one who actually saw the Gadwall. The number of Gray-headed Swamphens and how unafraid of people and cars really floored me. I remember the first few years when finding one was challenging and uncertain.

    On the way back to Citrus County eight of us stopped at Oakwood Smokehouse & Grill in Leesburg for some tasty barbeque and a chance to visit while not being (totally) distracted by birds.

  • Many Species of Birds Appear at Pepper Creek Trail Walk

    by Elaine Roche

    Eight birders participated in the Pepper Creek Trail Walk on January 11th. Despite the cloudy and chilly, damp weather, we were able to identify 26 species. Robins abounded. Every time we looked up, more and more were flying over. We estimated 350 during the trip.

    Other notable sightings included  good looks at a Pileated Woodpecker, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet which was a life bird for Maria and 28 Wood Ducks on Pepper Creek at the end of the walk. Next trip here will be February 8, 2025.

    Pileated Woodpecker
  • Real Life Drama in the Animal Kingdom

    by Rey Wells

    We took advantage of a nice day and visited Leesburg, Florida.  Two of my favorite venues are there.  One is Venetian Gardens.  It consists of strips of land and water extending along the shore of a large lake.  The other is Ski Beach Restaurant, which is on the lake and is adjacent to Venetian Gardens.  

    After a nice outdoor lunch, we stepped into Venetian Gardens.  Before we could even cross the first footbridge, I spied an Anhinga that had just waddled ashore with a large panfish.  Here it is.  Note the bird’s bright green eye ring.  This is a breeding season field mark of a male Anhinga.  Although early January would seem to be early for that, there it was.

    After a few moments, the predator flipped the fish into its gaping maw.  The action is shown here.  It turned out that this fish was a great challenge due to the depth of its body.  The bird struggled repeatedly to swallow it.  This is the shortest fish that I have seen that caused such difficulty for an Anhinga.  I have more than one photograph of them subduing fish that were longer than themselves and that they had zero chance of swallowing.    

    On the fast divided highway while heading home, a scene suddenly unfolded high in the sky in front of us that I will long remember.  A white gull was being followed closely by a slightly smaller bird.  Then the smaller bird made an unsuccessful strike at the gull.  I realized then that the attacking bird had to be a Cooper’s Hawk.  They turned and headed east.  We were in the fast lane going west.  They disappeared above the windshield.  I was conflicted but continued on.  It all happened very quickly.  Had I taken a risk and made a turnout onto the grassy center median, I might have witnessed a hawk taking down a gull and might even have a photograph of it.  Having missed that opportunity will bother me for some time.  Still, it was a special nature moment that I got to see, at least in part.

    Countless real life dramas play out every day in the animal kingdom.  I’m happy that I can still go out and be a witness to some.   I’m even happier when I’m able to photograph one of them.

  • 2024 Citrus Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC)

    By Pat Bazany – 8 January 2025

    On January 4, 2025 fifty-five individuals on eleven teams counted 118 bird species in the CCAS count circle. Not only was the species count lower than expected, the numbers of total birds counted was also very low compared to prior years. Other nearby count circles reported similarly for their efforts this year. Most abundant bird of the day was the America Robin with over 2,000 individuals tallied. Rarest bird of the day was a Great White Heron found by Team 8 in Ozello.
    Although the county was gracious enough to allow us access to the beach, many species that are usually found there were not present on the morning of January 4, most notably Common Loons, Red-breasted Mergansers and Horned Grebes.
    We’d love to have you participate in future CCAS CBCs. It’s wonderful to be a part of this long-running birding experience. 2024 was the CBC’s 125th year.

    Great White Heron spotted at Peck’s in Ozello
  • CCAS Welcomes Back Snowbirds

    by Jan Bailey

        It seems that everyone “got the memo” and arrived with their own coolers as they came down the path to the pavilion. We all worked together to set everything up.  Fred arrived and brought the fun –music on his mini speaker and lots of large, stuffed Santas to decorate the tables.


    The food was amazing – we had spiral ham, 3 big chicken pot pies, and roasted chicken that Susan Carroll prepared and kept warm.  She did a wonderful job as the “head chef” of the event. Everyone pitched in and brought a myriad of side dishes as well as many delectable desserts.

    Susan Carroll, head chef


    Fred handed out raffle tickets to win 2 Santas and one big, uncooked vegetarian pizza from Earthfare.  The winners are shown below:

    Gail Burnett
    Pat Bazany
    Molly Gurien

         Members commented that they enjoyed the format of this party as it was much easier to mingle about and generally more comfortable than a restaurant with better food.  Everyone contributed and helped out during setup and breakdown.  Although the weather forecast had been shaky, it cooperated and finished out as a nice, breezy sunny day.  A great welcome back for the snowbirds!

  • Fall Migration

    by Rey Wells

    Many more bird species migrate south from northern climes than those that are year round residents.  The migrants include all vireos and warblers.  In northern New York State and New England movement southward ramps up in the second half of August, peaks in September, and trails off markedly in October. 

    Not all members of the grosbeak family migrate every year, but the Rose-breasted Grosbeak does.  Here is a young male enjoying a preening session in the sun on a chilly early September morning.  I did not know that these birds had red feathers other than on their breasts.

    Rose-breasted Grosbeak
    Red-eyed Vireo

    It’s not often that one gets a good look at a Red-eyed Vireo in the sunshine.  I did one early morning with the sun at my back.  The sun really enhanced the red coloring that usually appears somewhat darker.  Here is that bird.  Male and female vireos appear similar.

    By mid-September, I had found a great spot for southbound woodland songbirds.  It was along a gravel road that was brushy on both sides and included some trees.  The lighting was best there later in the afternoon, which was great because that time coincided with the last feeding period of the day.  One of the first species I got there was this Bay-breasted Warbler.  I had never seen one before.

    Bay-Breasted Warbler
    Magnolia Warbler

    Soon thereafter, Black-throated and Magnolia Warblers materialized and gleaned a particular roadside tree for bugs.  Here is one of the Magnolia Warblers arriving.  

    A while later, a second Magnolia Warbler inspected the trunk of the tree.  Here it is about to pluck a morsel from a nook in the bark.

    Magnolia Warbler

    By late September vireos and warblers became scarce.  Other species were passing through in significant numbers.  Principal among them were Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Juncos.  By mid-October migration season in northern New York State had largely drawn to a close.  It was time to set the camera aside and prepare for our own southern migration.

  • Fun at the November meeting

    One of the initiatives Citrus County Audubon has is collaborating with Citrus County Schools in a multi-disciplinary program that includes an introduction to local birds, information about birds, recording what you see in a sketch journal, and a live owl presentation for middle school kids. November’s CCAS monthly meeting was a lot of fun thanks to Judy Lathrop and Molly Gurien.

    Molly Gurien and Judy Lathrop

    They went through the presentation they give to middle school kids about identifying birds. Judy and Molly took us back to our long ago school days with this interactive lesson. At one point, the attendees stood up and flapped their “wings” as fast as they could for ten seconds. No one was able to come close to the what birds are able to do.

    Counting our flaps for 10 seconds

    This program started last school year and is being expanded this year. The Chapter received a grant from Audubon Florida to purchase binoculars that will be used by the students while taking guided walks around their schools and nearby trails.

    After their presentation, Terri Jones, Director of P.E.R.C.H. (Parrot Educational & Resource Center & Habitat) brought out rescued screech and barred owls and filled us in on their histories. As you can see from the photo, they can get a bit feisty. P.E.R.C.H. doesn’t just rescue parrots they are also licensed to handle other birds.

    Terri with a screech owl
    The owl let her know who is in charge

    We will not have a meeting in December. Instead there is a members’ only “Welcome Back Snowbirds Picnic”. This would be a good time to become a member so you too can participate in this fun event. More info can be found on the Calendar Page of this website.

  • Beef and Birds

    By Rey Wells

    First the beef.  With company soon to arrive, we bought a whole filet mignon about two years ago.  It was identified as Brazilian beef.  I didn’t think too much of it at the time.  Events since then have made me realize that we had contributed to a big problem for all of us.  

    It has been a very dry season in the Amazon region.  Wildfires have been raging.  That’s bad enough, but would be cattle ranchers have been setting fires to clear even more of the rainforest so that they can plant grass for beef production.  This cannot continue.  The Amazon region is too important.  As President Macron of France stated, “The Amazon region is the lungs of the planet.” 

    As for us, if we can determine that any beef that we may purchase might be from that region, we will avoid doing so.  it’s not just Brazil, although it covers by the far the largest area of the region.  There is also Bolivia, Columbia, Guyuna, Peru, and a few others.  There is plenty of beef produced in the United States and Canada.  We will try to limit our beef consumption, which we should do anyway.  A  lot in our diet is not good for us.  In addition, cattle are major producers of greenhouse gases.  

    It might be challenging to identify the source of beef that we are buying.  I just visited a supermarket of a large grocery chain.  Most beef packages in the case were identified as “Product of the United States.”  One brand was identified as being from Austrailia.  One was unidentified as to origin.  I would not buy that one.

    Now for the birds.  Some of several species that nest here spend their winters in the Amazon region.  Their ability to survive there is dependent on the natural ecosystem that can support them.  One is the Eastern Kingbird, shown here. 

    Eastern Kingbird

    They are flycatchers, but they also feed heavily on fruits down there in winter.

    Another is the Red-eyed Vireo.  I got this one in northern New York State during fall migration this year.

    Red-eyed Vireo
    Yellow Warbler

    Here’s one more.  The Yellow Warbler has fluffy breeding season plumage, making it tough to get a sharp looking photo of it.  This is one of my better ones.  I got it while on a “fishing” trip in June in northern Vermont.

    If you share my concern about the origin of the beef that you consume, feel free to forward this post to friends and family.  Some of them may forward it to others.  If enough of us spread the word, it  might make a positive difference for the Amazon rain forest and for all of us.

  • RECAP – Sweetwater Wetlands-Nov. 7, 2024

    by Fred Hileman

  • Recap – Inglis Island Field Trip

    By Fred Hileman

    The morning began dismally. The overcast gave us little hope of sunshine. We still took about one and a half hours at the beginning of the trail waiting for a glimmer of sun to break through the haze. Finally, a ray grudgingly showed up, but time was catching up with us as we had a long trek to go. We decide to move on. We did get several species from the parking lot up to this point. Lisa got a photo of a Cape May.

    The first stop was at the Boy Scout camp where the Bald Eagles were building a nest. The eagles did not disappoint as both were alight in the branches near the nest. The nest was very small. I contacted the ranger later to inform him that we had seen them and of the appearance of the nest. He said that he was glad to know that the storm had not torn it completely down. It appeared that they were not going to abandon the site. We had observed a Merlin and a Cooper Hawk by this tim
    The next leg of the trip was through the canopy and along the wet marsh land along side. This proved to be a no stopping area. The marshy area was the full length of the overhanging tree route. This was in the past a very active warbler area. The mosquitoes were relentless. They appeared large enough to carry away two humans and an elephant in one! I have never seen such large and furious clusters since the bay area in the Everglades. This was a lost opportunity to see some of the smaller tree inhabitants.
    The sun had finally broken through but the rest of the journey was rather uneventful. The highlight was the Baltimore Oriole that I recorded and spotted as we came out of the canopy. The beautiful day made up for any disappointment of fewer species. But, the total species was not too shabby as we did tally 37. We then went to a local restaurant, Mama Sally’s, for lunch, a recap of the sightings and some enjoyable conversation. The eBird list is here:

    Cape May Warbler
    Northern Parula
    Bella Moth
  • Nature World Wildlife Rescue Sanctuary

    16 October 2024

    Christy Hill from Nature World Wildlife Rescue Sanctuary

    The first meeting of the season featured Christy Hill from nature World Wildlife Rescue Sanctuary who gave an update on their activities since the death of the founder, Mary Opal earlier this year. They are still going at full throttle with their mission to rescue, rehab, and release of injured and orphaned wildlife. The animals that can be saved but not re-wilded are sent to organizations such as Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park, Clearwater Aquarium, locally or other similar places within the state for display and educational purposes.

    They help with all types of birds from passerines to eagles to sandhill cranes. After the recent storms they have 150 baby squirrels that were found after falling or in downed trees. Other small mammals frequently helped are rabbits, possums, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, etc. Any larger mammals are beyond their capability as are marine animals.

    Their facility has a 100 feet flight cage that is instrumental in rehabilitating birds of prey where they can be sure the hawks, eagles, ospreys, and others are able to fly and catch their food. In any given year they receive between 1000 and 1500 animals. UF Veterinary School, along with vets at Countryside, Midway, Urgent Pets, and Bird and Animal Hospital and others offer some free or reduced rate services.

    Many of the injuries or illnesses presented are in some way human caused. In fact, Christy made a statement to the effect that she is surprised that birds still exist. With the spread of rodenticides, pesticides, car crashes, lead from bullets, birds flying into glass and screens you can see what she means.

    There are strict Federal and State rules that they must follow. This year, stricter State regulations were put into place making it more difficult for volunteers to help.

    Christy’s talk was very informative and we are glad she is here doing this work for all of us.

  • Birds in Molt

    By Rey Wells

    29 September 2024

    As far as I know, all songbirds change their feathers twice a year.  The early spring changeover is dramatic enough because new breeding season plumage is usually brighter and more colorful than the winter plumage was.  But most of the birds don’t look terribly ragged as they go through it.  The changeover from breeding season plumage to winter plumage is another matter.  It can be so dramatic that it can be difficult to identify well known birds when they are fully in molt.

    Let’s start in spring up north.  Most all of the species are fully in their breeding season plumage – American Goldfinches being an exception.  More about them later.  (1) Here is a male Chestnut-sided Warbler in May in northern New York State.  Note its bright chestnut flanks and bright yellow crown.  

    Fast forward to early August. (2) Here it is (or more likely its cousin) a few miles from where the first photo was taken.  The chestnut areas are minimal and dull.  Its crown is a dull yellow.  In a few more weeks, it will sport a new wardrobe that will be quite handsome but will not be quite as bold and bright as its breeding season garb.

    Now back to goldfinches.  Their breeding season calendar is a good deal different from that of most songbirds.  When they arrive in the north country in spring, the males are approaching their bright yellow color.  (3) But it’s not quite there yet as late as May 27 when this photo was taken.  

    By the time most songbirds have completed their nesting activities, goldfinches have yet to lay eggs.  Their breeding cycle isn’t over until late August.  And by the time warblers and most other songbirds have completed their molt, goldfinches have hardly begun.  By late September they are in full molt. (4) Here is a goldfinch taken on a late September day a few years ago that bears little resemblance to the one photographed in May.  

    So, September in the north can be quite interesting for bird folks.  Migratory species that have mostly or completely gained their winter plumage are on their way south.  Many pass through that nested in Canada.  Some, like goldfinches, buntings, and catbirds lag behind as they progress through their molting cycles.  Add to all this the young of the year.  Their presence and their plumage is different from the adults of their species.  That can make bird identification quite interesting and challenging.  For bird folks, outside is still the place to be in the morning when the weather cooperates.

    Compare Male Chestnut-sided Warbler in Spring with fall molt
    1. – Male Chestnut-sided Warbler in Spring
    2. Male Chestnut-sided Warbler in August
    Compare breeding plumage to fall molt
    3. Male American Goldfinch in May
    Compare breeding plumage to fall molt
    4. Male American Goldfinch in September
  • Bluebird Box Monitors

    By Fred Hileman, September 1, 2024

    CCAS has three new Bluebird box monitors.

    Susan, Amanda, Glen, Trish, Effie, and Mike

    We enjoyed a nice lunch and great conversation with our three enthusiastic, new monitors, Susan Carroll, Glenn, & Amanda Smith. After lunch, Effie presented a signed copy of our chapter license plate to three of the group. We sponsored a contest, and Effie’s photo of a Bluebird was selected as the winner. Mike, Effie and Trish had a bumper crop of Bluebirds this year. There were 159 on Rt 44, 86 in 2 Mile, and 74 in Half Moon for a total of 319. Last year saw a total of 297 in these three areas.

    Mike and Effie made 34 boxes this year to replace those that were weather worn. She said that they put 21 boxes up. At one station, as they were installing one, a Bluebird came before they moved away from it. 

    Taken by Trish on her phone camera

    This is Trish removing a snake from one of the boxes.

  • Making Room for Another Golf Course

  • Bluebird Box?

    By Rey Wells

    This is year three for the “Bluebird” box in our side yard in northeastern New York State.  Two years ago, Tree Swallows arrived early and raised a brood.  I then cleaned out the box, hoping that bluebirds would move in.  Instead, a pair of House Wrens claimed it and successfully raised chicks.

    Last year House Sparrows arrived early and claimed it.  They successfully raised chicks.  I intended to clean out the box once their young had fledged.  But before I got to do that, a pair of bluebirds moved in and built right on top of the sparrow nest.  They had success, also.

    On April 16th of this year a pair of Black-capped Chickadees inspected the box but moved on.  It was pretty early in the season.  On April 27th a pair of House Wrens arrived and started to fill the box with sticks.  Here is one of the wrens doing just that. (1)

    In early May trouble arrived.  It was a pair of House Sparrows.  The larger birds moved right in and took control of the box.  Here is one of the wrens appearing helpless as it perches on a twig and exchanges stares with the male sparrow in the box opening. (2)

    But the wrens didn’t give up.  They chattered continually close by, and the male sang often.  Then one of the wrens (I’d like to think the male) went on the attack.  Here he (or she) is dive bombing the male sparrow as the female sparrow looks out of the box opening. (3)

    After a few days of continual harassment by the wrens, the sparrows had enough.  They moved on.  It was back to normal breeding activity for the wrens.  Here is one of them leaving the box for another stick or two. (4)

    The wrens took back control of the box on about May 7th.  Fast forward to June 24th.  The chicks are about to fledge.  Here is one of the parents about to feed a chick at 12:06 PM. (5)

    Starting at about 12:40 PM, one by one, nestlings become fledglings.  Here is a photo taken at 12:56 PM.  It is the third nestling that I watched come to the opening.  Note that its feet are gripping the outside of the hole.  Less than two seconds after each one progressed to that position, it flew away.  (6)

    I have theorized that songbird parents might not feed chicks on fledge day to encourage them to leave the nest.  Obviously, that is not the case with House Wrens.  If anyone knows it to be the case with some birds, I’d like to know.

    For a day or so, there was wren activity in the hedge row as the parents continued to tend to the fledglings.  Then there was silence as they had all moved away.  I cleaned out the box, hoping once again for bluebirds.  But about a week later, adult wrens moved in to start the process all over again.  As I write this on July 14th, a female is once again incubating eggs.

    House Wrens are fierce competitors for nesting spaces.  Given that and the fact that they often have two broods, they exist in large numbers.  Their population is estimated to be close to 200 million.  They are the most widely distributed birds in the Americas.

    House Wrens building a nest (1)
    Start of the standoff (2)
    The wren is smaller but mightier (3)
    The nest building continues. (4)
    Feeding time (5)
    Time to grow up. (6)
  • Recap of Cedar Key

    by Fred Hileman

    A group of 15 avid birders joined in the fun of discovering species to be found at Cedar Key. This is our last of the season field trip and it did not disappoint. The day was windy and a bit on the chilly side, but there were hungry birds about. We were not able to go to the mounds due to the reconstruction of the area. We, instead, met at the Scrub Jay Park where we had always met in the past. There were several birds calling; Common Yellow Throat, White-eyed Vireo and Carolina Wren to name a few.

    Next stop; the mud flats. There were no disappointments here. White Ibis galore, Barn Swallows, many Roseate Spoonbills, Marsh Wrens and a tremendous showing of White Pelicans were on the move.

    Our next stop was at the Mulberry Tree. This in the past was one of the best areas for migratory birds. But the Mulberry tree was missing which was probably due to hurricane intervention. A family of Osprey was the excitement for photographers instead.

    We then went on our excursion to the Cemetery. The Gray Kingbird was very cooperative for photographers. We met a young man who informed us of a nest of Clapper Rails. He volunteered to show us. We in turn told him of the Kingbird which he was thrilled to “shoot.” He said that earlier there were two adults and 2 juveniles. They were not visible when we arrived, but we were able to see the nest with more eggs and a snake identified as a Marsh Snake.

    We then made our way to the museum. There were just a few warblers, such as Prairie, Black & White, and Palm, but the bonus was the Peregrine Falcon that flew over us and lit in a tree very close by.

    A fantastic day for birding and then a time to have lunch and reminisce the days adventure. We tallied 58 species. Here is the ebird checklist link:

    Redwing Blackbirds
    American Bald Eagle
    Gray Kingbird
    Baltimore Oriole

  • The Good Old Summertime

    by Bob Oswald

    Somebody flipped the switch and Summer with its heat and humidity, afternoon deluge and balmy evenings is upon us.  I find myself spending shorter times out in the field naturalizing and more time in the AC and swimming pool.

         In the world of birds however, it’s business as usual.  Spring courtship with its beautiful colors and courtship rituals has given way to raising and fledging the next generation.  As the young make their way off the nest, birdwatchers start to see these odd looking, sometimes awkward youngsters hanging around the parents, learning how to fend for themselves and bumming some eats from Mom and Dad.

         Usually when the first set of flight feathers come in they are rather grungy looking still mixed with some natal feathers here and there and frequently adding confusion to the viewer trying to identify them.  Of course, with all the new identification tools like eBird, iNaturalist and so on the task has become much easier

         One of my favorites is the Gray Kingbird.  I actually think that just before they go to the adult plumage, they look as nice if not nicer than the adults with cinnamon to brownish margins on the wing and upper tail coverts.

         Another pleasure of summer birdwatching is the behaviors of the recently off-the-nest gang.  I can spend a great deal of time just watching fledgling Green Herons fight each other and chase the parents around trying to snag a tasty morsel.

         Somehow, I always find my way back to the beach to watch incoming Sandwich Terns catching fish and miraculously finding their own offspring in a sea of like looking youngsters.

         Summer is here and there are wonderful viewing opportunities for those willing to stay hydrated, covered with sunscreen and go forth bravely to the world of our avian friends.

    Gray Kingbird
    Green Herons
    Sandwich Terns
  • Reddish Egrets by Rey Wells

                In January, a group from the Citrus County Audubon Society visited Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.  It is over on the east coast of Florida near the Kennedy Space Center.  One sought after bird there is the Reddish Egret.  But prior years’ looks at them have been at significant distance and with poor lighting.  That all changed this time.

                We started out on the one way Black Point Drive.  After viewing a few Bonapart’s Gulls mixed in with some Northern Pintail Ducks, we came upon this Reddish Egret as it frenetically hunted the shallows for small fish.  Given its super aggressive method of foraging, I liken its feeding behavior to how already active feeding Snowy Egrets might behave if they were on steroids.

                Here is the Reddish as it flips a small fish in its bill.  Given that it typically hunts in water that is only three to ten inches deep and that holds mostly small fish, it takes a number of successes during a feeding period to provide enough sustenance for itself.

                Soon a second Reddish Egret arrived.  That didn’t keep the first one from grabbing another fish as shown here. I believe the second bird is what’s known as a dark morph.

                After swallowing the latest victim, the successful bird appears to be laughing in this shot as the other bird looks on.

                After all that action, the successful bird took a bit of time to display its feathered finery.  Even as it does so in this photo, it is looking down for or at another fish.

  • Citrus County School District’s Marine Science Station – Summer Camp

    Earnie Olsen, Supervisor-Marine Science Station

    “The Citrus County School District’s Marine Science Station recently hosted three weeks of summer camp for over 90 students in middle school and high school. The campers enjoyed exploring local spring systems, rivers, estuaries, and the nearshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They were immersed in hands on field experiences within the springs of Kings Bay, the estuaries of the Crystal River and Salt River, the mangrove swamps and sea grass meadows of the St. Martins Marsh Aquatic Preserve, and the Native American shell middens of Shell Island and Mullet Key. Campers collected and analyzed water quality data, snorkeled in beautiful locations every day, and caught, studied, and released a wide variety of aquatic and marine species. They encountered dozens of bird species, with the highlight being multiple roseate spoonbills in a mangrove swamp. Besides the science education portion of the camp, the students developed a greater appreciation of their watery world and created lifelong memories with new friends. The Marine Science Station is grateful for the support of all our sponsors, especially the Citrus County Audubon Society. Your steadfast and generous support through the years has allowed many children to get outdoors and experience the Real Florida!

    Thank you!” –

    Middle School Session
    High School Session
  • Bald Eagle by Rey Wells

    I was returning to our northeastern New York State home on a late April morning.  I had been out looking for migrating birds.  As I passed our self-service vegetable (and cider donut) man’s place on the left, I looked to my right and saw a Bald Eagle in the meadow.  I turned around and parked.  The eagle was tearing large chunks of meat from its prey as shown here.

    Then orange feathers started flying as the eagle continued.  Here is a shot with feathers flying. 

    I moved forward a bit so that I could see what the eagle was feeding on.  Here it is – the remains of an orangish barnyard chicken.

    When I was done shooting, I turned around and looked at the yard of the vegetable man.  There stood two surviving chickens and a robin.  Here they are. 

    Note that the headdress (comb) of the one on your left has been badly damaged.  The feathers on the top of its back look disturbed as well.  That bird had narrowly escaped an earlier eagle attack.  

    A couple of days later, I drove slowly past there and saw no chickens.  I suspect that other arrangements had been made for the survivors.  One day soon I will stop there for donuts, I mean vegetables, and may bump into the owner.  I won’t show him the photos unless he wants to see them.  I’ll be very surprised if he does.

    I judge this eagle to be entering its fourth year of life.  It does not yet have a completely white head.  

  • Rey Wells Woodpecker Observation

    I arrived at our Inverness, Fl. auto repair shop early one morning in March.  This visit was not for the car.  I was there because of the sizable wetland out to one side of the shop.  I stepped out of the car with the camera.  Before I could even close the door, two woodpeckers flew onto a tall snag at the edge of the wetland.  I hurriedly got the camera going and started shooting.  It turned out that a male Red-bellied Woodpecker was after a male Downy Woodpecker.  What ensued was a series of attempts by the Red-bellied to catch the Downy.  Here is the end of one of the early attempts.

    Seven seconds later, both were back and on opposite sides of the snag.  Here they are.

    Then the Red-bellied attacked.  Here he comes!

    He missed!   Thanks to the quickness of the Downy.  The action continued for another fifteen seconds, and then both flew off.

    What prompted the Red-bellied to go after the Downy?  It is possible and, maybe, most likely that the Red-bellied was just doing what they have been known to do.  They are omnivores.  While we would like to believe that the animal part of their diet consists entirely of lower life forms, the fact is that they have been observed feeding on small birds.  

    Back in 2009 in northeastern New York State, I took a photo of a Red-bellied after watching it fly up to the top of a snag carrying something.  Here is the photograph.  The victim sure looks like a bird to me.

    Red-bellied Woodpeckers and other birds that prey on avians are neither good nor bad.  They are just part of the web of life on our planet.

  • A Perspective on Cedar Key Field Trip

    by Jan Bailey

    Going on this field trip with the Audubon Club was like being a kid again.  Remember when you and your pals used to leave after breakfast and go exploring in the woods.  If someone found a weird looking caterpillar, everyone came over and examined it.  Then, it was on to the next discovery and adventure – a beautiful red cliff made of clay that we all slid down — imagine the laundry.  We found birds, butterflies, snakes and all matter of wildlife.  We called our friends over to look at it in wonder.  We never went home for lunch – our parents would be lucky to see us for dinner.

    There was also a flock of white pelicans that flew by and, at one point, half of the flock was flying in one direction and the other half was flying opposite.  How they can do this without crashing I don’t know.

    This was similar to our field trip – except we did do lunch.  Everyone shared the birds that they saw…and the butterflies and the snakes. Molly brought her scope so we could see the birds farther out on the water. 

    Bob Oswald pointed out a peregrine falcon that flew quickly by us and an osprey eating a fish up in a tree.

     Fred led the way to many locations in Cedar Key to find different birds.  The water on the Gulf was as smooth as glass – a huge contrast from when hurricane Idalia went through.

    We had a delicious lunch at Steamers in downtown Cedar Key and then went home to be grownups again.

  • Homosassa Wildlife State Park Field Trip, 13 April 2024

    Homosassa Wildlife State Park Field Trip, 13 April 2024

    Some 15 enthusiastic birders joined the Pepper Creek birdwalk on Saturday morning 13 April 2024, a beautiful sunny day with a chilly 50^F start.  In addition to the usual two species of crows and the now-usual red-shouldered hawk, a loud brown thrasher entertained us vocally right from the start.  He gave all of us good views finally and opportunities for photos.  A downy woodpecker scaled trees nearby.  Warblers found included northern parula and two new to the walks this season: American redstart and praire, a hyperactive little bird which Bob was able to capture in the corner of one of his few shots (photo below).  Both red-eyed and yellow-throated vireos were found and sang for us while they foraged, as did a blue-headed.  Two great-crested flycatchers were also active and vocalizing in the canopy.  Young Hanna Mae and only a couple others found a brilliant blue indigo bunting along the trail.  Waterbirds included a green heron with bright orange legs, cattle egret, sandhill cranes (heard but not seen), and the reliable wood duck at end of trail.  Several gulf fritillary butterflies fed on nectar along our path.  In all 30 species of birds were recorded and documented by Joyce Lewis in her eBird report.  Thanks to Elaine Roche for her lead this season and all birders who joined us on these monthly forays into this popular state park.

    Text and photos by Bob Ross

  • Recap – Cedar Key Field Trip

    A group of 15 avid birders joined in the fun of discovering species to be found at Cedar Key. This is our last of the season field trip and it did not disappoint. The day was windy and a bit on the chilly side, but there were hungry birds about. We were not able to go to the mounds due to the reconstruction of the area. We, instead, met at the Scrub Jay Park where we had always met in the past. There were several birds calling; Common Yellow Throat, White-eyed Vireo and Carolina Wren to name a few.

    Next stop; the mud flats. There were no disappointments here. White Ibis galore, Barn Swallows, many Roseate Spoonbills, Marsh Wrens and a tremendous showing of White Pelicans were on the move.

    Our next stop was at the Mulberry Tree. This in the past was one of the best areas for migratory birds. But the Mulberry tree was missing which was probably due to hurricane intervention. A family of Osprey was the excitement for photographers instead.

    We then went on our excursion to the Cemetery. The Gray Kingbird was very cooperative for photographers. We met a young man who informed us of a nest of Clapper Rails. He volunteered to show us. We in turn told him of the Kingbird which he was thrilled to “shoot.” He said that earlier there were two adults and 2 juveniles. They were not visible when we arrived, but we were able to see the nest with more eggs and a snake identified as a Marsh Snake.

    We then made our way to the museum. There were just a few warblers, such as Prairie, Black & White, and Palm, but the bonus was the Peregrine Falcon that flew over us and lit in a tree very close by.

    A fantastic day for birding and then a time to have lunch and reminisce the days adventure. We tallied 58 species  Here is the ebird checklist link:

  • Ahhochee Hill Field Trip, 5 April 2024

    It was a gorgeous morning on April 5th and the second day after a major cold front passed through. Fifteen bird folks gathered and were greeted by Christie Anderberg and Billie.  We were also greeted by a Summer Tanager singing high in the oak that we were parked under.  We spent time trying to see it but to no avail.  Northern Parulas were in the trees on the edge of the yard.  A Swallow-tailed Kite gave us a brief look at it.  A female Ruby-throated Hummingbird showed itself.  Perhaps twenty Cedar Waxwings hung out in the tree tops waiting for us to leave the area of the Mulberry tree.

    We made our way down through the meadow and to the excellent habitat for woodpeckers. Red-bellied Woodpeckers were heard but, strangely, were not seen. There was no sign of a Red-headed for the first time in many years. And no Downies. But other species cooperated. Pileated Woodpeckers sounded off. A second Summer Tanager sang high in a Long Leaf Pine. We got to it before it flew off. It was on a mostly shaded limb, but it did provide the chance ​for a long range photograph.


    Then we had a nice visit with a pair of Great Crested Flycatchers.  Although they were up high, we got good looks. Several folks got photos. They shared their boisterous vocal repertoire.  On the way
    back a Black Vulture flew up onto a snag and posed for photographs.  Near the end of the birdwalk another Summer Tanager sang for us, but it was too far into the trees to try for visually.
    Finally upon exiting the forest we saw and captured the elusive Rey-Wells’-Widow resting on a snag (last photo).  It was a most enjoyable morning in great company at a wonderful property.  Thank you, Christie!

    Text and photos by Rey Wells and Bob Ross

  • Homosassa State Wildlife Park Field Trip, 9 March 2024
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    Ten birders including two knowledgeable teenagers joined leaders Elaine Roche, Joyce Lewis, and Bob Ross for a steamy jaunt along the Pepper Creek Trail at the Homosassa SWP on 9 March 2024.  Two dozen species of birds, half a dozen fewer than a month ago, strangely enough, were found.  But right off the bat the resident red-shouldered hawk put on a performance as last time.  This time he attacked a great blue heron that, out of his normal foraging habitat, landed in a tall tree against the wishes of the hawk, who was probably defending his nest from the opportunisitc heron.  Other birds of note included Carolina chickadees, a ruby-crowned kinglet, a few parula warblers, who are now streaming north through our county in migration, and the faithful 5 wood ducks on the creek at the end of the trail.  A gorgeous giant swallowtail butterfly was also captured in photos by Bob.  See Joyce’s eBird report ( for a complete list of birds found on the outing.
    ​Text and photos by Bob Ross.

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  • Ocala Wetland Recharge Park–8 March 2024
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    Some 19 enthusiastic birders from Citrus County descended on this well manicured landscape of tall oaks and recharge ponds with marsh habitats, led by Bob Oswald.  Over 35 species of mostly winter-resident birds were seen or heard, plus a few likely migrants heading north, such as parula warbler.  Standouts included a red-tailed hawk, osprey, a pair of kestrel courting then copulating (see photo below), a red-headed woodpecker (+3 other woodpecker species), and a greater yellowlegs working a mudflat with a single killdeer.  Also spotted was a peninsula cooter, but no alligator.  School children planted trees/shrubs on the grounds.  For a more complete list of birds found see eBird post by Joyce Lewis.  Bob Ross’ photos can be accessed via this link (!Ah59rKtHKmutgscqDqhFNOkgSvIacA).  Photos by Rey Wells are embedded in this post.

  • Emeralda Marsh Field Trip, 16 Feb 2024
    image 5

    Ten bird folks enjoyed the four mile Emeralda Marsh Wildlife Drive. We had hoped to hear the first Northern Parula of the season, but that was not to be. Things got very interesting when we arrived at the large watery wetlands. Right away, a pair of Northern Harriers were sighted.

    A bit later, we came upon rafts of coots with many Ring-necked Ducks mixed in. Elaine Roche saw a dozen American White Pelicans circling in the distance. But the star of the show was this female Snail Kite. Leaders Rey Wells and Larry Best sighted and chased via SUV the kite that happened to be going our one day. Larry saw it perch on a low roadside snag. The bird rested there for quite some time, giving everyone a great opportunity for viewing and photographs.

    Instead of taking the right turn and exiting to Emeralda Island Road as we have in the past, we continued straight onto an even narrower one lane road with a grass strip in the middle. We hoped to see the white
    pelicans that Elaine had seen in the air. That didn’t happen, but we were treated to an Osprey feeding on a fish near the top of a snag. Seconds after this photo was taken, the Osprey lost control of it. No
    one got a photo of the fish falling from the Osprey’s grasp. Darn!

    We exited to Emeralda Island Road and headed for Leesburg for lunch before stepping directly into Venetian Gardens.

    Venetian Gardens

    On the way out of the lakeside Ski Beach restaurant, Bob Ross said that that he and Elaine had to leave. The remaining eight of us went looking for Purple Gallinules and other birds of interest. We sure found them.

    Purple Gallinules were plentiful and were engaged in pre-breeding activities. Lots of displaying and chasing was observed. But the highlight of the Purple Gallinule show was this bird that had just caught
    a large snail. Three other gallinules took turns attempting to partake in the feast.

    As we finally headed back toward the parking lot, Lisa noticed a hawk flying low with another bird in its talons. It landed nearby on the grass. The hawk was a Red-shouldered. The prey was a Purple Gallinule.
    Many photographs were taken as the hawk feasted on the gallinule.

    It was quite a day at Emeralda and Venetian.

    By Rey Wells, group photo by Larry Best

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  • February 21st, 2024
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  • Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve Field Trip, 20 February 2024

    Eight CCAS members arose with freezing temperatures (33^F and frost on ground in Crystal River and along Rt. 19N) to bird the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve on Tuesday February 20, Bob Ross leading.  Some 33 species were found on a mostly quiet trail, though a pair of bald eagles and several black vultures got into a vocal tussel right from the start.  Unlike the previous 2 years, no obviously migrating birds were seen (an eastern kingbird was on the tidal marsh last year); today’s visit was much earlier in the season.  No flycatchers were found at all (no fly in its right mind would be flying in those temperatures!).  The boardwalk did produce mourning doves, both crow species, chickadees/titmice, a bluebird and robin, a couple catbirds, a cardinal, and four species of warbler: yellow-rumped, yellow-throated, pine, and palm.  Waterbirds on the tidal marsh and boatramp included three common loon, both pelicans, four species of heron, three red-breasted mergansers, two greater yellowlegs, a spotted sandpiper, a solitary sandpiper (see photo below by Lisa Graham), ring-billed gulls, royal tern, four kingfisher, and a couple dozen boat-tailed grackle.  Solitary sandpipers (genus Tringa) do winter in south Florida but don’t start their migration in big numbers through Florida until April, then are gone by mid-May, nesting in the boreal forests of Canada/Alaska.  Their long migration takes them largely to tropical America, as far south as Argentina.  A spotting scope would have pulled in more distant birds on the Gulf.
    Text by Bob Ross, photo by Lisa Graham, additional photos forthcoming.

  • Pepper Creek Birdwalk, 10 February 2024

    Over 2 dozen birders of all levels of experience, both Florida residents and travelers, young and old, enjoyed a cool then warm morning on the Pepper Creek Trail for bird watching.  Twenty eight species of wintering and year-round resident birds were found, including a pair of mating Red-shouldered Hawks.  A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker tried but failed to elude us near the Visitor Center.  A N. Mockingbird sang loudly and continuously at the parking lot.  A visiting birder from New England snagged a “life bird” with good views of a Carolina Chickadee (she’s seen plenty of Black-capped Chickadees).  Several Ruby-crowned Kinglets gave us all “warbler neck” before the Black-and-White Warbler even showed up!  A small group of Wood Stork and the resident pairs of Wood Duck rounded out our tour at Creek’s end.  The following link will take you to  photos by Bob Ross in addition to those shown here (!Ah59rKtHKmutgsZAUOlIVVZi50W89g) and Joyce Lewis posted the complete list of species on eBird.  Thanks to Elaine Roche for leading this CCAS field trip monthly.
    Text and photos by Bob Ross

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  • Recap – Orlando Wetlands Park
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    The afternoon tram ride was a delight at Orlando Wetlands.  Riding the tram, we came upon an eagle sitting on the same nest that we viewed last year.  The bird of the day, spotted by CCAS trip leader Rey Wells, was a Sora Rail feeding out in the open near a Glossy Ibis. The beautiful early breeding eye of the Anhinga was spotted by Lucille Lane

    ​After the tram expedition, we all hiked out to the boardwalk.  The later afternoon light was great and led to wonderful viewings of spoonbills, ducks, Wood storks, Cranes, Merlin, N. Harrier, and other wildlife. Our viewing list for the trip was 25 species.
    Photos Courtesy Rey Wells

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  • Recap – MINWR
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    Rey Wells, Kathy Carter, Will Carter, Lucille Lane  Trip Leaders: Jim Meyer and Eileen Riccio.

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    It was a magical morning along Black Point Drive at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.  Early in the drive, we enjoyed a few Bonapart Gulls that swam among some Northern Pintail ducks.  The distance and lighting were not favorable for taking a photograph.

    ​About halfway through the drive, we came upon a pair of Reddish Egrets close to the road and with the sun shining on them.  The one in the front has a small fish in its bill.  All told, five Reddish Egrets were seen.  ​Late in the drive, we came upon a small roadside pool with a feeding frenzy taking place.  The diners consisted of Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Little Blue Herons, Tri-colored Herons, White Ibis, a Snowy Egret, and a Glossy Ibis.  In the photo Jim Meyer can be seen at the upper right as he exited the car to begin his own frenzy – with his camera.  

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    We did manage to see 5 Reddish Egrets, 7 duck species (Mottled, L. Scaup, B-W Teal, Ruddy, N. Shoveler, Hooded Merganser, N. Pintail), W. Pelicans, Royal/Caspian Terns, and many Black Skimmers, Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs, Killdeer, Dunlin, Black-bellied Plover, Pie-billed Grebe, Belted Kingfisher, A. Avocets, and Loggerhead Shrike.

    We finished the day with a great late lunch at the Pier 220 Restaurant, which is almost under the tall bridge across the Indian River. We did yield 50 species for the trip. Photos Courtesy Rey Wells, Jim Meyer

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  • January CCAS Meeting

    The first chapter meeting of 2024 had a great turnout for Tom Hince’s lecture on his 2023 Big Year of birding in Citrus County. Of the 244 species he identified in the county, about half came in January. He showed photos of some of the birds he saw and clued us in on some of the most productive areas. (Hint: Fort Island Trail Beach and park, Inverness Airport, and the Inglis Dam area are just a few.) There were also updates on our projects and initiatives, like field trips (check our website calendar for updates), birding walks with other organizations, the new website (designer is working on it), and the Library Birding Backpacks. The Backpacks are so popular with Citrus County library patrons that there are waiting lists. With that in mind, we will be donating five more packs and binoculars, one for each library in the system. The library provides the printed materials. This is a fantastic way to get folks interested in birding at no expense to themselves. These projects take money and CCAS is always grateful for contributions to help your chapter make a difference. 

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  • Recap – Lake Apopka Field Trip
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    Only four of us showed up for this one.  The weather forecast likely kept some folks home.  Here’s a photo of us.  It was taken by a member of Hernando Audubon.  They were there, also.  We all “worked” together as we traversed the 11 mile Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive.

    ​The weather and the birding turned out to be great from the get-go.    Right at the entrance, we got a southwestern bird—an Ash-throated Flycatcher—that had been reported there.  It’s a close cousin to our Great-crested Flycatcher.  

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    ​Soon after getting underway, we came upon a Northern Pintail Duck that was hanging out with some Ring-necks.  I don’t recall seeing a Pintail there before.  There was an American Widgeon, also.

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    We saw a few Northern Harriers, but the stars of the day were the Ospreys.  They were numerous and hunting hard.  We had several interesting observations of them.  Here are a couple.  Not long after leaving those uncommon ducks, we encountered an Osprey on top of a utility pole.  It was eating a fish.  A Boat-tailed Grackle waited patiently at the bottom of the pole.  A good-sized chunk of fish dropped to the ground.  It was grabbed immediately by the grackle.  Later on, an Osprey hit the water hard but came up empty.  As it flew low and toward us, it shook the water off its body even as it continued its wingbeats.  

    Usually, later in the Drive, we get Fulvous Whistling Ducks.  They were not in evidence on this day.  But Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were many.  Three flocks resting on a grassy dike totaled, maybe, 200 individuals.

    Late in the drive, after seeing hundreds of Common Gallinules, we found one lone Purple Gallinule.  It was a beauty. 

    By Rey Wells, with bird photos by Bob Ross 

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  • Homosassa River Garden Club FieldTrip
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    On Thursday, January 11, 2024, three members from Citrus County Audubon (Elaine, Joyce, and Pat) led the walk on Pepper Creek Trail. Although it was a cold day, the club enjoyed the excursion. The club gave CCAS a thank-you donation.

  • Recap – Wallace Brooks Field Trip
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    I woke up early on Saturday, December 2, for a walk around Wallace Brooks Park.  It was cloudy and humid for a December morning.  As I looked toward the sky, I wondered how the day’s birding trip would turn out since birding might be slow if the sun didn’t appear. 

    We decided to head on a new route by going to the boardwalk at Cooter Pond first, instead of going to Wallace Brooks Park.  This turned out to be a good choice because the first of many Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were seen flitting around. 

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    Soon a Swamp Sparrow showed up. ​​Next we were treated by a cooperative Wilson’s Snipe right off the boardwalk.

    We saw many Coots and Common Gallinules on the pond.  Someone spotted two ducks in the distance that turned out to be male and female Lesser Scaup.  Both cooperated at a close distance, which was a great teaching moment for all.

    Continuing our walk around Cooter Pond, we found Palm Warblers, White-eyed Vireos, Gray Catbirds, and a very cooperative Belted Kingfisher that put on an aerial display of its fishing technique. 

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    While finishing a nice lollygagging walk on the Withlacoochee State Trail back toward Wallace Brooks Park, we were treated to my first-of-season American Goldfinch, B & W Warblers, and then a Red-shoulder Hawk.

    ​We eight birding friends ended our walk at Liberty Park where the Saturday Farmer’s Market was going on. 

    All totaled the day turned out to be a great field trip.  We totaled 33 species, and it was a good day for all. 

    Text by Ken Spilios with photos by Bob Ross